Dennis Rovere, MA; Expert Witness, Architect & Scholar


Welcome. My name is Dennis Rovere. I am a court-qualified expert witness with  25+ years of experience. My areas of expertise include: physical intervention/ forcible eviction; liquor liability and industry standards of care; professional training methodologies and standards in use of force & excessive use of force by security, healthcare security, and law enforcement. I am also an internationally recognized martial artist, former military contract trainer, and experienced healthcare security expert.

Services I Provide

I only work with attorneys and provide three (3) main services:

1. BEFORE EXAMINATION FOR DISCOVERY. Analyze preliminary information such as witness statements and surveillance tapes to develop a series of questions for use in Examination for Discovery.

2. AFTER EXAMINATION FOR DISCOVERY. Prepare well-researched and written expert opinion.

3. AT TRIAL. Present unbiased expert opinion.


“Mr. Rovere’s reports are well thought out, thorough and easily understood by the reader.”

“ … In part, because of his excellent reports the matters have always settled before trial.”  

“[Mr. Rovere’s] reports are pure unadulterated gold”

“ [Mr. Rovere’s] knowledge is beyond what I expected”

Additional Qualifications (Partial)

  • Invitation to train US Army Special Forces.
  • Only civilian to train with the Chinese Government’s Bodyguard Instructor’s Unit. PRC.
  • Trainee and guest demonstrator Chinese Number One Public Security Training School (Chinese Police). Shanghai, PRC.
  • Only civilian invited to submit training proposal for MCDV Drug Interdiction and Anti-Smuggling Boarding Parties (Canadian Navy). Proposal requested by Rear Admiral Bruce Johnstone (commander MARPAC).
  • Award of appreciation from 1 CMBG HQ & Signals, Canadian military for Pre-deployment training including methods of safely handling prisoners during NATO and military peacekeeping operations in the former Yugoslavia.
  • Recommendation to teach advanced close combat instructors courses for the Canadian military.
  • Award of appreciation and badges from the PPCL1 (Canadian military) for training close combat instructors for reconnaissance operations.
  • Chinese Special Forces/ Reconnaissance Commandos (Taiwan).
  • First non-Chinese to receive special recognition as an outstanding martial arts instructor (ROC).
  • Chinese military martial arts instructor certification. Chang Hsiang Wu, Central Military (Army) Academy, Nanjing, China.

  Contact (Attorneys Only)

Telephone: 403-828-6597  E-mail:    Linkedin