Observation: Wellness Checks

Observation: Wellness Checks

  Recently, there has been much criticism towards law enforcement officers performing wellness checks that should be done by healthcare professionals. Yes, it’s true they are not trained to deal with these types of situations. However, by the same token...
Observation: Neck Restraints & Chokeholds

Observation: Neck Restraints & Chokeholds

The first case I wrote an expert opinion on was the use of a chokehold during an arrest. It had been applied while the suspect (our client) was handcuffed. The result – he ended up a quadriplegic and died one year after the case was settled. Over the  years I have...
Observation: Kneeling

Observation: Kneeling

I just finished reading an article by a police trainer and use of force expert. He, as well, as several police spokespersons have been quoted as saying that they do not teach, nor endorse kneeling on a suspect who is on the ground. However, in contrast to their...